HUD & UI Radial Elements

Global Parameters

Number of Elements: Overall count of elements in one ring.

Number of Rings: Defines the total number of rings.

Radius: Radius of the first ring.

Ring Spacing: Space between each ring.

Angle: Global angle of the element.

Stretch: Determines whether the angle is closed.

Tangent Orientation: Changes the base element orientation to local.

Hide Types

Even Numbers: Hides all elements with even indices.

Odd Numbers: Hides all elements with odd indices.

First N: Hides the first N elements.

Last N: Hides the last N base elements.

Multiples of N: Hides all elements with indices that are multiples of N.

1+ Multiple of N: Hides elements with indices that are multiples of N, starting with the second element.

Percentage: Randomly hides a certain portion of elements.


  • N: Defines the number of hidden base elements for First N and Last N. Defines the number of interest for Multiples of N and 1+ Multiple of N.

  • %: Defines the hidden ratio for the Percentage hide type.

  • Seed: Sets the seed for the hidden ratio random generation for the Percentage hide type.

Intro Types

Radius: Uses the global radius as a base to create an incoming transition.

Angle: Uses the global angle as a base to create an incoming transition.

Scale: Uses the scale as a base to create an incoming transition.

Hide N: Uses N as a base to create an incoming transition. This option must be combined with one of the N-based hide types (First N, Last N, Multiples of N, and 1+ Multiple of N).

Percentage: Uses % as a base to create an incoming transition. This option must be combined with the Percentage hide type.

Note: Introduction types such as Radius and Angle do not affect the base element parameters. If the desired effect is to have all base elements hidden on the first frame, it is mandatory to set a base element introduction type along with the element introduction type.


Continue: Creates a continuous animation.

Repeat: Creates a repeated animation given a certain length.

Repeat Mirrored: Creates a mirrored animation given a certain length.

Continue Exp: Same as Continue with the addition of exponential speed.

Repeat Exp: Same as Repeat with the addition of exponential speed.

Repeat Mirrored Exp: Same as Repeat Mirrored with the addition of exponential speed.


Start Offset: Defines the start frame relative to the project start frame.

Length: Defines the length of the sub-animation for Repeat, Repeat Mirrored, and their Exponential variations.

Intensity: Defines the intensity of the exponential acceleration for Continue Exp, Repeat Exp, and Repeat Mirrored Exp.

Speed: Defines the speed of the animation, which can be a distance for movement, an angle for rotation, or a float for scale.


Seed: Defines the random generation number for the offset.

Uniform Scale: Sets the scale offset to be applied uniformly.

Amount: Defines the amount to be applied on position, rotation, and scale offset.

Note: If Seed is greater than zero, the offset is applied randomly to each base element. Otherwise, the offset is applied equally to all base elements.